
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

This afternoon we will again be heading to Mannheim, Jacob has Thursday and Friday off of kindergarten. It's always nice to stay a bit longer than just the weekend. The holiday is Corpus Christi or Fronleichnam, which I wrote about back in 2005. It isn't a holiday in all of Germany, but in our area it is. I saw in our town paper that they will be having a procession through the town, visiting all the roadside chapels. I noticed over the past week they were spiffing all of the little chapels up, I didn't realize why until I read the paper today. We will already be in Mannheim, so no pictures, sorry!

Yesterday we had some watermelon, it was so good. It was a big round seedless one, very dark green on the outside. It was really too large for us to eat all of it, so we gave passed some of it out to our neighbors. I think it came from Italy, but I'm not sure. I already threw away the sticker that was on it. Jacob really liked it, he kept going back for more! He likes this kind better than the usual one, because he doesn't have to worry about all the seeds.

The weather is getting warm again, so hopefully my window boxes will start to fill in a little more. I went with pink and yellow this year, geraniums and marigolds. Both are hearty enough to stand the summer heat and still keep blooming! My roses are also doing really well, I'll try to get a photo of them while they are blooming.

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