
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

St. Martin Parade 

We were lucky enough to attend two St. Martin events this year, it was really nice. This is a celebration of St Martin, who was the Bishop of Tours. If you want to read more in depth (really in depth about him) you can find it here, on a Catholic Saint info page. If you would just like an overview of the "story" that the kids learned about at kindergarten, and the activities check on this blog.

The first one we went to was in Ansbach, and we met some friends there. They brought Jacob a sun shaped lantern that had a little flashlight bulb inside it to illuminate it. We walked from the mall in Ansbach through the old town, and ended with some bratwurst and sweets for the kids. Here they are at the end - Michelle, Hörst, Kenny and Jacob.

The next weekend Jacob's kindergarten had their parade. The children made their lanterns, complete with tall candles inside to illuminate them! I was positive one of the kids would catch on fire, all the dangling scarves and hair. But of course I was wrong, and it was such a beautiful parade. First there was St Martin on a horse, then a band. After that came each class with all their lanterns glowing. They walked from the kindergarten along the old walls of the city, and then down the main street, ending at the church.

Here is Jacob in the parade, his teacher is next to him

As you can see, it was quite crowded. It appeared most of the town came out for this event. Outside of the church they sang some songs, then we all entered the church for more songs and a short program. Afterwards, there was lebkuchen (similar to gingerbread) and more bratwurst. The weather was cold but not too bad, and the children looked great. Jacob thought it was really fun, and we are looking forward to doing it again next year!

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