
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

off to school 

Jacob loves to ride his bike to school, so we try to do it as much as possible while the weather is nice. One of the routes we take is on a small road, mostly used by bikes and tractors. It goes by a couple cow barns, and through some crop fields. You can see some cabbage, and potatoes in the background. Also, the church in Wolframs is in the background. His kindergarten is near the church, so we eventually curve back towards town. It's a nice ride for him, not too hilly and not too much traffic. Only a few more days of school, then he's off for 3 weeks for summer break.

I added some pictures over on the photo album, just everyday stuff. More of him on his bike, and even a few of the dogs! Click here to see the most current. You can always click the link on the sidebar to see the whole album. I may have said this before, but if you want to see an enlargement of a picture on the blog, just click on it. It should open in another window a little bigger, and usually a little better quality.

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