
Monday, October 04, 2004

Chuck E. Cheese and Starbucks 

Friday Jacob and I went with a friend, Julie and her kids to Heidelberg. The post there has a place called "Fun Zone" that is like a Chuck E. Cheese, only on a much smaller scale. The kids were so good on the ride over there, they kept each other entertained. We wandered around the shops on post for a little while, then headed into the Fun Zone. The kids had a blast, and there were hardly any other people there. We were able to sit and eat lunch while the boys had the run of the place. It was great!

Then we left there and went to the Hauptstrasse in the city of Heidelberg. It is a huge walking area with lots of different shops. We were looking for one thing only --- the Starbucks! We found it quickly, and fed the boys chocolate chip cookies while we enjoyed lattes. It was really busy, and lots of American tourists stopping in. She stocked up on some whole bean coffee, so she could mail some to her husband in Iraq. The truck had that aroma the whole way home, not too bad a smell!

I will post a couple pics from the Fun Zone soon, just have to get them off my camera.

Kay arrived safely today, she came by train into Nuernberg. We spent a little while walking around the altstadt so she could see a bit of Nuernberg. Tomorrow we will look around Ansbach a little, and then Wednesday we will go to Rothenburg o.d. Tauber. Should be lots of fun. Always nice to experience things again, with people who are seeing them for the first time.

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