
Sunday, June 20, 2004

We haven't been up to much, just hanging out. Today Kenny went fishing early in the morning, Jacob and I met up with him later. Jacob enjoyed fishing with a really long reed Kenny found for him, he was convinced it was a fishing pole. It's still in the back of the truck since we had to bring it with us, he didn't want to leave it at the lake. That's a picture of the champion fisherman in training above. This week Jacob and I will be busy all week at Vacation Bible School, it should be a lot of fun. It will for sure keep us occupied. Jacob and I had a nice quiet week this past week, we went to the market and visited some different playgrounds. Went for some bike rides and played in the backyard. All fun stuff and a nice way to pass the summer days. Which, for the record, required long pants and light coats the past few days. So not too summer-like but still nice!

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