
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Today Jacob and I went to OBI which is like a Home Depot, it's even got that orange theme color throughout. We were getting some flowers so we can put out some window boxes like everyone else has. There were really too many flowers to choose from, so it took us quite a while to pick what we wanted. And of course Jacob made sure to say "Hi" to everyone that went by the cart, so were drawing an audience at one point. Afterwards they have a kiddie ride out front, it's a donkey named Lucky with barrel of tequila strapped to his rear. Only 50 euro cents and it even plays music! Pure Jacob joy!

On a side note, I have decided that our Toyota Highlander is awesome for cobblestone streets. Actually makes driving on them fun, instead of a teeth rattling experience. The thing about cobblestone streets is that they are quaint the first 10 times or so, and then they are just bumpy! Especially in our Opel we had last time we were here - you had to hang on tight. But it is smooth sailing in the Toyota, it really helps make up for the fact we are a little too big for many parking spots here.

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